RIB trip to


RIBs are a great way of experiencing nature. In an open boat you get close to nature and the bird life at Runde. The RIB trip starts in the Fosnavåg harbor and it´s just a short trip to Runde.

During the breeding season the island contains 500 000 birds, and around 100 000 of them are puffins. Most of the bird cliffs are on the west side of the island, but the bird cliff Skarverua lies on the North side and has the world´s largest colonies of common shags. The bird life at Runde can be experienced throughout the year, but the best time is between April and August. The season for the puffin birds starts in the beginning of May and ends in July.

During breeding season there are about 500 000 birds at Runde, and 100 000 of them are puffins.

Runde has the most diverse bird life in Europe. Some observations are rarer than others, but it is observed 224 different bird species at Runde throughout the year.

Runde is a protected area. All hiking in the mountains at Runde requires caution because of the vulnerable nature and the breeding birds. The exact bounderies for travelers are marked by color spots on rocks and piles in the terrain.